Our history
Based on the Minutes Books of the Society, totaling four volumes, one can infer the historical overview outlined below, summarizing the organization of Italian immigrants into various entities that have culminated in today's SIB:
- On February 2, 1891, the Italian Democratic Society of Mutual Aid (Società Democratica de Mutuo Socorso) was founded.
- In July 1900, the Carlos Gomes Musical Circle emerged.
- In May 1921, both entities were merged, resulting in the United Democratic Society and Musical Circle.
- In October 1934, the entity became known as the Italian Democratic Society of Bragança.
- In June 1937, it changed its name to Casa D’Italia.
- In October 1942, the 'nationalization' of Casa D’Italia took place, with its intervention (appointed intervener Benedito de Barros Camargo). All assets were collected, and in March 1943, they were allocated to the local Aero Club.
- In July 1951, after the horrors of World War II, an extraordinary general assembly was held among those who were members of Casa D’Italia. The nationalization and intervention were declared null, and all the institution's assets were returned.
- In August 1953, a new statute was voted on, and the entity was named the Italian Democratic Society of Bragança Paulista, although the name Casa D’Italia was still adopted in the minutes as a 'fantasy' name.
- In November 1977, the name was changed to the Italo-Brazilian Society.
The current statutes were approved in a general assembly held on October 25, 2005, and registered on May 7, 2008.
The Italo-Brazilian Society of Bragança Paulista, one of the oldest in the country, was founded by local immigrants on February 2, 1891, under the name Società Democratica de Mutuo Socorso. After several years of operation, with the purchase of the land on Coronel Leme Street, construction of its own headquarters began, completed thanks to donations from its members.
Like all similar entities, it went through difficult times during the years of World War II when it was nationalized. Its headquarters were invaded and vandalized, and only in 1951 was this situation reversed with the resumption of activities and a municipal act of redress.
In the post-war period, considering the complete integration of the Italian community into the local society, the initial scope of mutual aid lost its relevance. The SIB ended up transforming into a club for Italians and their descendants but faced an existential crisis.
Gradually, the activities dwindled, and the headquarters was left in a state of abandonment, necessitating the leasing or entering into agreements to maintain it with the minimum necessary resources.
In November 1977, it adopted the name Italo-Brazilian Society, and its statutes were approved in the 2005 assembly.
For about a decade, SIB has undergone restructuring—a slow and challenging process. During this time, its statute was reformed to align with current legislation. Since then, the society has been undergoing physical and administrative recovery, establishing itself as an important cultural space in our city.
Our headquarters, located in one of the city's most beautiful century-old mansions, with a protected facade, has undergone several renovations and will still undergo further major changes.
We believe that the cultural vocation is the path to be pursued by SIB, and for this, we are working tirelessly so that Bragança can, in the near future, have a quality cultural space.
The Italo-Brazilian Society of Bragança Paulista is a Public Utility entity, recognized by Municipal Law No. 3153 of March 10, 1999.
The Italo-Brazilian Society of Bragança Paulista is a State Utility entity, recognized by State Law No. 15,638 of December 23, 2014.
The Italo-Brazilian Society of Bragança Paulista is a Federal Public Utility entity, recognized by Ordinance No. 1980 of December 1, 2015.